Legal Notice

General Conditions of Use

The purpose of these General Conditions is to regulate the conditions of use of the Web Site. (hereinafter, "the website"), whose owner is ADINOR S.L.(hereinafter, ADINOR ), with CIF B47054333address at Avenida Gijón 90-92, 47009, Valladolid (Valladolid)registered in the Mercantile Registry of Valladolid, which can be contacted through the following e-mail address and telephone 983.267.512.

1. Conditions of access.

The purpose of this website is to provide information about our services and activities. Its use implies full acceptance by the user of these conditions, so if you do not agree with the content of the same should refrain from using the website and the services offered on it. ADINOR reserves the right to make any changes it deems appropriate, and may modify, delete or include, without notice, new content and / or services, as well as the way they are presented and located and the conditions of use of the web.

The User accepts that the access and use of the website and the contents included therein takes place freely and consciously, under his sole responsibility, and consequently agrees to:

  • Not to use the website to carry out activities contrary to the law, morality, public order, in general, and to make a lawful and honest use in accordance with these General Conditions, as well as to refrain from any act that could damage, disable, overload or impair the website and/or prevent the normal use and utilization by other Users.
  •  Do not manipulate or alter any content of the website without the express written consent of its owner. Any alteration, modification or manipulation without the consent of the owner, exempts it from any liability.
  •  Not to reproduce, copy, distribute, publicly communicate, transform or modify the contents, unless authorized by the owner of the corresponding rights or it is legally permitted; as well as not to suppress, evade or manipulate the Copyright and other data identifying the rights of ADINOR or their owners incorporated to the contents, as well as the technical protection devices, or any information mechanisms that the aforementioned contents may contain.
  • Not to introduce or disseminate on the web, data programs (viruses or any type of software harmful in nature) likely to cause damage to the website.

ADINOR does not guarantee the availability and continuity of the website and is not responsible for any damages that may occur, nor for technical defects, including viruses or other harmful elements, whatever their nature, arising from the use of the information and materials contained on the website.

2. Use of cookies.

In order to provide a better service, ADINOR may store on the User's computer small information files called cookiesThe cookies are used for the proper functioning of some of the services offered, as well as to perform usage statistics, diagnose problems on the web, and for the administration of some of the services offered. To limit or restrict the admission of cookies on your computer, the user can configure your browser for this purpose. For more information, please visit our privacy policy. cookies.

3. Responsibilities.

The User shall be liable for damages of any nature that ADINOR or any third party may suffer as a consequence of the breach of any of the obligations to which it is subject by these General Conditions.

ADINOR does not assume any responsibility nor does it have any control over the possible hyperlinks contained in the web site to external contents; however, it will remove those links that include illicit contents as soon as it becomes aware of them.

4. Intellectual and Industrial Property.

The User acknowledges that all the contents of the website and, specifically, all the information and materials, structure, selection, arrangement and provision of its contents, programs and development of applications used in connection with them, are protected by intellectual and industrial property rights owned by the owner of the website or, where appropriate, by third parties.

In no case shall access to them or their use by the User imply any kind of waiver, transmission or total or partial transfer of such rights, nor confer any right of use, alteration, exploitation, reproduction, distribution or public communication of such content without the prior and express authorization specifically granted for such purpose by ADINOR or of the third party holder of the rights affected.

ADINOR is the owner of the elements that make up the graphic design of its website, menus, navigation buttons, code, text, images, textures, graphics and any other content of the website or, in other cases, has the corresponding authorization for the use of such elements.

All trademarks, trade names or logos displayed on this page are the property of ADINOR and/or third party companies. It is forbidden to use or permanently download, copy or distribute them by any means without the required consent of their owner.

In the event that any User or third party considers that any of the contents have been introduced in the web site in violation of their Intellectual or Industrial Property rights, they should send a notification to ADINOR identifying himself and the owner of the intellectual or industrial property rights allegedly infringed, providing title or proof of representation of the aforementioned rights.

5. Data protection.

For information about the use of your data, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

6. Confidentiality.

Any information that either party communicates or provides to the other or to which either party has access shall be considered confidential and may not be disclosed, shown, reproduced, copied, discussed with third parties, or used by either party for purposes other than those for which it was communicated.

7. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction.

These General Conditions shall be governed by the provisions of Spanish law. For any questions that may arise between the parties in relation to the interpretation and execution of this document, both parties expressly agree, waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of Valladolid.

Copyright 2022 ADINOR S.L. - All rights reserved.


1. Data controller's information

Name of entity: ADINOR S.L. (hereinafter, ADINOR)
Address: Avenida Gijon 90-92, 47009, Valladolid(Valladolid).
Phone: 983.267 512.

2. Processing of data collected through the website

The data that ADINOR may be collected by the use, navigation of the website, through our forms, via email or as a result of the contractual relationship that links you with ADINOR are personal data. When filling in each of the forms on our website there will be a series of mandatory data, whose fields are marked with the symbol *. If these fields are not filled in, the purposes described in each of the forms cannot be carried out. In some occasions, we inform you that by the simple use and navigation in our web page, ADINOR will store data relating to:

  • IP Address
  • Browser version
  • Operating system
  • Duration of the visit or browsing of the Web Site

Such information can be stored by Google Analytics, therefore, we refer to Google's Privacy Policy, since Google collects and treats such information. Similarly, the Web Page provides the utility of Google Maps, which may have access to your location, if you allow it, in order to provide you with greater specificity about the distance and / or roads to our headquarters. In this regard, we refer to the Privacy Policy used by Google Maps, in order to know the use and processing of such data.

ADINOR reserves the right to modify or adapt this Privacy Policy at any time. Therefore, we recommend that you review it each time you access the Web Page.

  1. Contact forms.
    1. Purpose. The purpose of this form is to answer your request for information made through the contact forms.
    2. Legitimation. The consent of the interested party.
    3. Recipients. The recipients of your data will be the various departments of our association, as well as third parties to whom we transfer your data, where lawful in accordance with the provisions of current legislation on data protection.
  2. Spontaneous candidacies.
    1. Purpose. To involve you in the personnel selection processes carried out by the company. ADINOR.
    2. Legitimation. The consent given by the interested party by virtue of his spontaneous candidacy.
    3. Recipients. The recipients of your data will be the various departments of our association, as well as third parties to whom we transfer your data, where lawful in accordance with the provisions of current legislation on data protection.

3. Other data processing

  1. Exclusively for professional contacts.
    1. Purpose. At ADINOR we process your personal data in order to maintain the professional relationship we have between us.
    2. Legitimation. The legitimate interest pursued by the data controller.
    3. Recipients. The recipients of your data will be the various departments of our association, as well as third parties to whom we transfer your data, where lawful in accordance with the provisions of current legislation on data protection.
  2. Exclusive for contacts through social networks
    1. Purpose. At ADINOR we process your personal data for the following purposes:
      1. Respond to inquiries, requests or petitions.
      2. Manage the requested service, respond to the request, or process a request.
      3. Establish a user-responsible relationship, and create a community of followers.
    2. Legitimation. The legitimate interest of the data controller, as well as the acceptance of a contractual relationship in the corresponding social network environment.
    3. Recipients. The recipients of your data will be the various departments of our association, as well as third parties to whom we transfer your data, where lawful in accordance with the provisions of current legislation on data protection. However, we recommend the review of the privacy policy of the social networks that we mainly use since the social networks, being American, may transfer data to the United States.
  3. Sending information of interest to users.
    1. Purpose. To manage the sending of news of ADINOR to users attending courses and training talks as well as to those members who have previously given us their consent.
    2. Legitimation. The consent given by the interested parties for this purpose.
    3. Recipients. The recipients of your data will be the various departments of our association, as well as third parties to whom we transfer your data, where lawful in accordance with the provisions of current legislation on data protection.

4. Conservation periods

Contact forms Your personal data will be processed for the time strictly necessary to fulfill your request.
Spontaneous candidacies In accordance with ADINOR's retention policy, your personal data will be kept for a maximum period of ONE YEAR from the receipt of the curriculum vitae.
Exclusive for professional contacts Until the end of our professional relationship or until you decide to cancel or object to the processing of your contact data.
Exclusive for contacts through social networks Your personal data will be kept for the time necessary to fulfill the purpose for which they were collected.

5. International transfers.

ADINOR does not plan to carry out international data transfers. In those cases in which it is necessary, they will only be made to entities that have demonstrated that they comply with the level of protection and guarantees in accordance with the parameters and requirements set out in the current regulations on data protection, such as the European Regulation, or when there is a legal authorization to carry out the international transfer, such as the consent of the data subject. In any case, the interested party will be provided with the corresponding information.

6. What are your rights in relation to data processing?

You as the data subject have the right to obtain confirmation of the existence of a processing of your data, to access your personal data, to request the rectification of data that are inaccurate or, where appropriate, to request deletion, when among other reasons, the data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or you as the data subject withdraw the consent given. ADINOR will process and keep your data in accordance with the regulations in force, without prejudice to the fact that you, as a data subject, may request in any case, the limitation of the processing of your data. In certain cases you may exercise your right to data portability, which will be delivered in a structured, commonly used or machine-readable format to you or to the new data controller you designate. You will have the right to revoke your consent at any time for any of the processing for which you have given it. To exercise your rights, please contact us at the following e-mail address We have forms for the exercise of all the aforementioned rights, however, you can also use those developed by the Spanish Data Protection Agency. You will have the right to file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency in the event that you consider that the exercise of your rights has not been properly addressed. The maximum term to resolve will be one month from the receipt of your request. In the event of any modification of your data, please inform us duly in writing in order to keep your data updated.